Providing is being the provider of financial stability and support. It’s letting her know that you will always be there for her no matter what happens. Protecting is being there for her when she needs you emotionally and physically.

Professing might look like a man asking a woman to be his girlfriend or wife. A man who loves you will always be willing to provide for your needs. He wants to make sure that you have everything you need in life and that you don’t have to worry about money. Providing is when a man takes care of your needs financially. A man who loves you will always be looking out for your best interests. He wants to make sure that you are taken care of and that nothing bad happens to you. Protecting is when a man looks out for your safety and well-being. A man who loves you will want everyone to know that you are together and that your relationship is serious. Professing is when a man introduces you to his friends, family, and co-workers as his girlfriend. Some men feel that showing love is simply a matter of professing their love for you. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man Key Points A man professes his love for you, protects you, and makes sure to be there with you in need If he feels good about himself in those three areas, he will be able to focus on you and your relationship without feeling guilty or like he’s neglecting his duties. Let him know that you think he’s a great provider and an important part of the family. Support his career goals and praise him when he achieves things at work. So if you want your man to focus on you, make sure he feels like he’s doing his job as a man.

And to do that, they have to focus on their careers. It’s not that they don’t care about their families, it’s that they feel like they have to provide for them and be the breadwinner. This is why most men are preoccupied with work.
#Act like a woman think like a man how to#
Before he figures out how to reach his minimum goals, he won’t be able to focus on you or other aspects of his life, like family and relationships. A man has to feel like he’s achieving a minimum in those three areas to feel like he’s fulfilling his duties as a man. At any given moment, three things are influencing his self-esteem and sense of identity: who he is (his title), what he does (how he gets the title), and the reward he gets (how much money he makes). It’s not complicated: men are simple creatures.