During 2022, Kenan Institute will explore the varied facets of stakeholder capitalism through a series of Kenan Insights, webinars, events and other activities as scholars and business leaders come together to discuss the opportunities and tradeoffs of this complex topic.
Economic Issues Series papers normally require a smaller commitment of Commission resources than Bureau Economic Reports. While this seems like a great idea in principle, it is challenging to implement in practice, especially when the interests of different stakeholders come into conflict and negate win-win solutions. Across economics, political economy, sociology and political science, research illuminates current global economic developments and foreshadows where policies. Economic Issues Series: Papers are literature reviews and analyses in areas of public policy concern involving issues similar to those addressed in the Commission's Competition and Consumer Protection missions. Stakeholder capitalism is the idea that businesses would improve societal outcomes by focusing on a mandate broader than that which benefits shareholders alone. Will businesses start to accept crypto in a widespread manner? Will crypto ownership become diffuse enough to make it a unit of account, where businesses set prices in crypto? Will mainstream payment systems support those crypto transactions? Will central banks issue government-backed crypto currencies, lessening the value of private-backed crypto? Is Stakeholder Capitalism the solution? However, there have been no systematic economic inquiries.

But the purpose of crypto is as a medium of exchange – a store of value which can be used to pay for haircuts or car insurance. Economic studies have contributed substantially to the understanding of many disability issues. That number is likely substantially higher today as the SEC only allowed major-market trading of a crypto ETF last October. While some issues are unique to a specific region or country, as the interconnectedness among economies continues to increase, the well-being of one economy has. Cathie Wood issues open letter to the Fed, saying it is risking economic bust. At of the end of the third quarter in 2021, crypto assets under management reached $60 billion worldwide. Find the latest economic news, current events and headlines, as well as. Uncertain Federal Reserve Policy The largest risk facing the global economy in the coming year is the. Crypto is now an institutional asset with a growing number of funds investing in crypto and related infrastructure, such as miners and trading platforms, as well as futures trading on the CME. Here are the top five economic concerns for next year and how they could potentially play out.